2018 World Agility Championship Event Regulations
The 11th IFCS World Agility Championships (WAC) will be hosted by the Federation Italian Sports Cinofili (FISC) and will be held between the 25th and 29th April, 2018, at the following location:
Circolo Ippico Di Castellazzo, Bollate, Milan, Italy. Venue Website
Note: Tuesday 24th April is an “optional” day for teams.
The main ring and venue is available on Tuesday 24th April for team training and measurement/check-in, by appointment with the host organisation.
Due to shortage of time for check-in on Wednesday, we encourage teams when possible to check-in on the Tuesday.
Event website and online entry forms: www.worldagilitychampionship.com and/or www.ifcsdogsports.org
Click here for 2018 World Agility Championship Event Regulations.
FISC (Host) point of contact (POC) is Erika Lunardi: [email protected]
Quick reference schedule (9 classes held over 5 days):
- Tuesday (24 April) – Optional
o Access to venue and set up
o Equipment training (optional for Teams)
o Dog measure/check-in (optional for Teams – but encouraged)
- Wednesday (25 April):
o Check-in and dog measure + equipment/main ring familiarisation between 0800 and 1130.
o 1200 to 1230 – Opening Ceremony.
o 1415 to 1815 – WAC Championship Competition (1 class).
o 1900 to 2030 – Competitors Formal Welcome and Buffet Dinner (at venue).
- Thursday (26 April): WAC competition (2 classes).
- Friday (27 April): WAC competition (2 classes).
- Saturday (28 April): WAC competition (2 classes).
- Sunday (29 April): WAC competition (2 classes) and Closing Ceremony.